What Goes Down Must Come Back Up...
That is, unless you are in a death spiral. In a financial sense, a death spiral insues when a cash starved company is bent over an invester's knee and coerced in to accepting terms and conditions that will ultimately lead to the company's own demise. The shrapnel expeled during a death spiral will most likely take out all but the most optimistic, misguided, or vested individuals during it's downward plunge-- thus exacerbating and already bad situation in to a feverish pitch of delusion and mass expulsion of misinformation from top tier individuals fearing for their own wellbeing and other self driven motivations.
Despite your recent troubles, I am still very interested in joing your team!
It just so happens that we have several positions to match your perported skillset. The one caveat is that all titles granted will end in the word "bitch"
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